Today’s blog is not really a devotional as much as it is a challenge.
Over the weekend my oldest daughter Kensey (9 years old) was telling us about a friend in her class who is Muslim. Kensey said that she really wanted to share Christ with her. In Kensey’s Sunday School class they had learned how to use an Evangecube so Valinda gave her one and we prayed together yesterday morning that God would give her the right words and that God would soften the heart of her friend.
I cannot tell you how excited I was to see Kensey’s passion to share the Gospel. I loved that Valinda and I did not have to spur her on, she took the initiative to share and went boldly forward!
Well yesterday when she finished school my first question was, “How did it go?” She told me that her friend said, “It is not that I do not believe in your God, I just believe in my god more.” Kensey then blew me away by saying that she was going to keep looking for opportunities to share with her friend. I love that she did not get discouraged or give up, she was just determined to keep right on sharing!
But then something happened that touched my heart even further – Karis, my middle child (7 years old), started weeping! She said, “But I want everyone to believe in the One True God!” Her heart was broken that Kensey’s friend had not accepted Christ! I was humbled by the depth of pain that she felt over anyone who would not accept Christ.
I don’t know if you are like me, but I wish that I was as driven by the gospel as those two girls! The passage of scripture that sounds in my heart is in the book of Psalms:
Psalm 8:2a (NIV)
2 From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise…
So, what is stopping you from sharing your faith? Is it fear, lack of knowledge, or some other excuse that we all tend to use when it comes to participating in the radical advancement of the Kingdom of God? The reality is that each and every one of us should be broken over those who do not know Christ as their savior. Lostness should keep us up at night and drive us forward during the day. We should take our cue from two schoolgirls and we should boldly proclaim the grace of Christ because our love for our fellow man compels us into action! We must no longer sit on the sidelines but we should grasp this day, this moment for His glory! We have been deeply loved; let us love others by sharing the truth of His grace!
Romans 1:16a (NIV)
16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…
Lord Jesus, help my heart to break for those who do not know you as Savior! Please help me to never forget the certainty of judgment and the depth of your love! Let me push aside my fear and apathy and help me to press forward unashamedly with your Gospel on my lips! I praise you my Savior.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
49 minutes ago
So cool!
AND... I am so thankful that Michelle McBride taught them how to use those wonderful little bead bracelets - that helped Kensey share too!! And, I found out today, Ross Hendley shared his faith with his bracelet at school yesterday too!!! How awesome - our children are leading the way!!!!
How sweet! I love that story - sometimes kids have a more simplistic view of the truth than adults do b/c they don't complicate it with excuses and political correctness. Sweet Kensey and Karis. Give them hugs for me!
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