Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Crowns - Part 2

Okay, let’s keep talking about “crowns.” Yesterday we looked at the “crown of righteousness.” Today I want us to look at the most familiar crown in the New Testament, the “crown of life.” What I found as I studied this crown has absolutely blown me away!!!

The “crown of righteousness” is a crown that points to the efforts of Christ on the cross that allowed for our justification even though we are rebellious and not righteous (see yesterday’s post for a more full explanation). But the “crown of life” points to our own perseverance once Christ captures us in salvation. Let me try to show you what I mean – the key text for the “crown of life” is found in the book of Revelation:

Revelation 2:10 (NIV)

10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.

The word for “crown” that is used here is the Greek word stephanos it was used to denote the crown that was given to the victor of a competition. And the word “life” here is clearly talking about eternal life in God’s love and grace.

So think about what the Apostle John is saying in this passage. He is saying that if we will stand strong in our faith even to the point of death that God will place on our heads the victor’s crown of eternal life in His love! So, the “crown of righteousness” was earned by Christ on the cross. It assures us of eternal life as we are justified before the Righteous Judge. But the “crown of life” is placed on our heads when live in that gift and persevere no matter the difficulties.

Now I am not saying that we earn eternal life, but I do believe that what this passage teaches us is that we show that the righteousness of Christ really lives in us if we persevere in our faith when it is difficult. I do not believe that the scriptures allow for the wishy-washy believer. We have either been radically transformed or we haven’t, but there is no in-between. And if we have been transformed then we will show it with how we live our lives, not just when things are easy, but when they get hard (even to the point of death). This is what makes the following statement from Christ so profound:

Matthew 10:22 (NIV)

22 All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Again Jesus is not saying that our perseverance is what saves us, but He is saying that if we have been captured by Christ then we will persevere!

So, are you living the victorious life? Are you standing firm even though it is hard? Is God preparing the “crown of life” to be placed on your head? I pray that it is true!

Lord, please help us to persevere in our faith. Please help us to live out our love for you even when life is hard and we want to give up or follow our own course. We praise you that we prove our salvation every day when we live in obedience to you!

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